best show I have ever seen. There are about 12 performers and the standards of feminine beauty are very high. Singing, dancing and stripping are the principle acts, all but one of which are solo. The duet dance and sing together, and are among the prettiest in the show. Happily there is no vulgar comedy acts to make one uncomfortable. The standards of behaviour as well as performance are very high, much in contrast to the show at Madame Arthur's where the Pigalle influence is too noticable. Everyone is talking about the new fashions, and while its to early to tell, the main theme seems to be the '40s.
Many skirts are longer (even below the knee) and everything is fitted at the waist. As for the hair, waves are back and it's somewhat shorter in appearance, but is may simply be that the length is used up in the waves. I for one have no intention of cutting mine and as yet there is no general rush in that direction.
Younger people have a great deal of influence and the "left bank" girls show no tendency to cut her hair which has somehow become a sign of independence for both sexes here as in the U.S. As for colors the big news is wine and it's seen in everything from coats to dresses and blouses. I must say I find it a richer more exciting alternative to the usual brown for fall. It's usually matched with blue or grey.
One of my TV friends who works as a domestic and is currently in search of work as a housekeeper tells me that, in comparison with the last time he looked (about five years ago) he is finding a great deal more acceptance of TVism. Before, he explains, he more or less was lucky to find anyone interested in employing him, now he has five or six offers despite being interviewed in dresses. We all hope this is a "trend". That's everything from Paris for now. "Au-revoir" 'til next time.